Total Alliteration

Total Alliteration was an oblique local co-op horde shooter where the players took control of a silly character each and shot some floofs to save the multiverse. It was developed by Phoenix Tear, consisting of 11 members as the result of two teams that weren’t doing too well merging together. Since both teams had problems, some persisted and several members had issues with attendance and contribution, and in the end it was quite bare bones in engine.

The group had 3 designers but one of them was more of a junior programmer and the other did exclusively level design so most of the systems and gameplay was designed by me. I also did the UI and the logo, and customized a lot of artwork for optimal results in engine (upsizing correctly to not get blurry character sprites, compositing images for social media etc.).

Document with all character mechanics, the main design task outside of core system design.


Main Menu:

Character Select:

Level 1:

Level 2: